Major Project of the Year (over €500M)
Tuen-Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link - Northern Connection Subsea Tunnel Section

TM-CLKL is a 5.5km long twin sub-sea tunnel, with 57 cross passages, mostly constructed using slurry TBMs (14m and 17.63m) and also including a 500m long Cut & Cover section, 3 Ventilation Shafts and a 16.5 ha of marine reclamation.
Innovative design and technologies have governed the safety, the environmental friendliness, and the overall major success for this one-of-a-kind project. It includes, inter-alia, the World’s largest TBM driven in freshly reclaimed land, the use of Mini TBMs for construction of cross passages, the state-of-the-art technologies used to facilitate hyperbaric interventions (saturation technique and robotic arm) and the final double break-out within a gigantic 500m long Caterpillar-shaped cofferdam.
Innovative design and technologies have governed the safety, the environmental friendliness, and the overall major success for this one-of-a-kind project. It includes, inter-alia, the World’s largest TBM driven in freshly reclaimed land, the use of Mini TBMs for construction of cross passages, the state-of-the-art technologies used to facilitate hyperbaric interventions (saturation technique and robotic arm) and the final double break-out within a gigantic 500m long Caterpillar-shaped cofferdam.
Project of the Year (between €50M and €500M)
Regional Connector Transit Project

Design-build of a 1.9-mile underground light rail system with three new stations. The project is unique in that it requires a variety of construction techniques: TBM, SEM and cut-and-cover, in a dense urban environment, adjacent to and/or underneath numerous iconic and historic buildings. Innovative solutions were implemented across the project from EPB conditioning and ground control, settlement monitoring, SEM excavation, cross passage support, and underpinning. Unexpected underground obstruction challenges were overcome quickly through close coordination with the owner. Record advance rates allowed the TBM work to get back on schedule.
Project of the Year incl. Renovation (up to €50M)
Modernization of the Vladivostok tunnel of the Far Eastern Railway

For the first time in Russia, Mosmetrostroy developed a project and applied the technology of modernization of a railway tunnel, built 82 years ago, where one facility was adapted to specific working conditions and applied various modern world achievements and innovations in the field of transport infrastructure facilities.
The following modern technologies were successfully implemented in the project:
various methods and compositions were used for injection into both the back-lining space and the body of the old lining;
waterproofing the joints of the old lining with the use of water-swelling rubber;
sprayed waterproofing of the entire tunnel with two-side adhesion;
the cracks of the old lining are filled with special compounds;
an additional inner layer of permanent lining of sprayed concrete was constructed using polymer and metal fiber;
chemical anchors connecting all layers of the lining and soil mass construction are applied;
a special project for the organization of construction was developed, which made it possible to implement a “window” contract without stopping the movement of trains and to ensure all safety requirements for the movement of trains and the labor protection of builders during work.
The applied technical solutions made it possible to obtain a fundamentally new multi-layer lining of the tunnel with high technical and operational characteristics, in which all layers are included in the construction.
The task was successfully implemented with a significant reduction in terms (by 1.5 years) and the cost of work (2 times) relative to the initial project, according to which it was planned to carry out reconstruction of the tunnel with a complete tunnel closure for train traffic for the period of work with the construction of the bypass railway section through the city center.
The following modern technologies were successfully implemented in the project:
various methods and compositions were used for injection into both the back-lining space and the body of the old lining;
waterproofing the joints of the old lining with the use of water-swelling rubber;
sprayed waterproofing of the entire tunnel with two-side adhesion;
the cracks of the old lining are filled with special compounds;
an additional inner layer of permanent lining of sprayed concrete was constructed using polymer and metal fiber;
chemical anchors connecting all layers of the lining and soil mass construction are applied;
a special project for the organization of construction was developed, which made it possible to implement a “window” contract without stopping the movement of trains and to ensure all safety requirements for the movement of trains and the labor protection of builders during work.
The applied technical solutions made it possible to obtain a fundamentally new multi-layer lining of the tunnel with high technical and operational characteristics, in which all layers are included in the construction.
The task was successfully implemented with a significant reduction in terms (by 1.5 years) and the cost of work (2 times) relative to the initial project, according to which it was planned to carry out reconstruction of the tunnel with a complete tunnel closure for train traffic for the period of work with the construction of the bypass railway section through the city center.
Technical Project Innovation of the year
Toulouse Line A underground stations extension

The special feature of this project lies in building three underground station extensions, which required the removal of the tunnel lining, while keeping the subway in operation. One of the operation complexities was the utter necessity to limit any inconvenience for the passengers, while guaranteeing the accessibility and security requirements of an automatic operating metro. This needed to be done along with minimizing, as much as possible, the disturbance caused by the works on the very urban environment.
A steel rib support lined with steel plates was placed around the tunnel during the summer 2017 and removed in summer 2018.
This tunnel shell isolated the construction site from the subway in operation. This made the construction of the diaphragm walls, the excavation on both sides of the tunnel and cutting of the lining in the extension area possible.
At no time were the 220,000 passengers of the A Line aware of travelling in the heart of an underground construction site. A success that deserves to be recognized.
A steel rib support lined with steel plates was placed around the tunnel during the summer 2017 and removed in summer 2018.
This tunnel shell isolated the construction site from the subway in operation. This made the construction of the diaphragm walls, the excavation on both sides of the tunnel and cutting of the lining in the extension area possible.
At no time were the 220,000 passengers of the A Line aware of travelling in the heart of an underground construction site. A success that deserves to be recognized.
Technical Product/Equipment Innovation of the year
Autonomous TBM

The world’s first Autonomous TBM (A-TBM) is a system comprising custom Artificial Intelligence control algorithms developed by our in-house team which allows for autonomous control of our TBMs. This state of the art system analyses machine data in real time and assumes control of steering, advance, excavation and slurry sub-systems with minimal human input. Deployed and proven across 4 distinct geological formations of the Kuala Lumpur MRT2 alignment, it has completed over 3km of tunnelling with our multimode Variable Density TBMs utilising both EPB and slurry processes. The A-TBM has demonstrated faster response times, improved accuracy and tangible productivity benefits including prolonged cutting tool life and shorter cycle times.
Safety Initiative of the Year
Air Quality Working Group: An industry-first collaboration on silica dust control

The ATS took an industry-first, proactive & collaborative approach to silica dust control, through leveraging the strong experience of our membership to produce a much needed body of knowledge to support and inform our ever-growing industry.
All the work performed by the Air Quality Working Group was purely voluntary. Members freely gave up their time and energy to participate, collaborate, share and document their knowledge for the benefit of the wider tunnelling community. There are limited examples across our industry of such a selfless gesture returning such positive outcomes.
These resources are now freely available here:
All the work performed by the Air Quality Working Group was purely voluntary. Members freely gave up their time and energy to participate, collaborate, share and document their knowledge for the benefit of the wider tunnelling community. There are limited examples across our industry of such a selfless gesture returning such positive outcomes.
These resources are now freely available here:
Innovative Underground Space Concept of the year
Underground Green Farming

Underground Green Farming (UGF) is a prime example of new ways to use urban underground space. Food is vital to the survival of our cities, but land is scarce, which is why growing underground will be vital in the future. Together with industry partners, SCAUT has developed and commissioned the first UGF prototype for sustainable food production by using aquaponics (fish and food production in one same system).
Our project centers on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development and a Circular Economy. By integrating various urban needs and uses of underground space (UGS), we reduce the impact on the urban environment. We aim to develop a concept to achieve food security for mega cities and urban regions utilizing UGS.
Our project centers on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development and a Circular Economy. By integrating various urban needs and uses of underground space (UGS), we reduce the impact on the urban environment. We aim to develop a concept to achieve food security for mega cities and urban regions utilizing UGS.
Young Tunneller of the year
Amanda Kerr

Senior/Project Engineer
Led teams of young engineers ● Organized & implemented tunneling optimization programs resulting in repeated increases in production ● Identified and oversaw numerous design improvements - some saving as many as 180 calendar days ● Negotiated project change orders with the client.
Lead Field Engineer
Managed the construction of eleven shafts ● Developed TBM operating parameters ● Project scheduler ● Environmental program manager ● Tunnel rescue team certified benchman.
Heading Engineer
Quality control & TBM processes records analyst ● Hyperbaric intervention coordinator ● Deputy tunnel surveyor.
M.S.E. Construction Engineering/B.S.E. Civil Engineering ● University’s Chi Epsilon President ● ASCE Secretary ● NASTT student chapters Vice-President focused on Underground Infrastructure, surrounding high schools outreach, and youth programs.
Led teams of young engineers ● Organized & implemented tunneling optimization programs resulting in repeated increases in production ● Identified and oversaw numerous design improvements - some saving as many as 180 calendar days ● Negotiated project change orders with the client.
Lead Field Engineer
Managed the construction of eleven shafts ● Developed TBM operating parameters ● Project scheduler ● Environmental program manager ● Tunnel rescue team certified benchman.
Heading Engineer
Quality control & TBM processes records analyst ● Hyperbaric intervention coordinator ● Deputy tunnel surveyor.
M.S.E. Construction Engineering/B.S.E. Civil Engineering ● University’s Chi Epsilon President ● ASCE Secretary ● NASTT student chapters Vice-President focused on Underground Infrastructure, surrounding high schools outreach, and youth programs.
Lifetime Achievements
Dr. Harvey Parker
With over 45 years of experience in the tunneling industry in the US and around the world, Dr. Parker has made significant contributions to signature tunnelling projects through leadership and expertise. He has been involved with many iconic projects. He is a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign alumni where he received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with Minor in Geology. He also holds a M.S. in Civil Engineering from Harvard University and B.S. in Civil Engineering from Auburn Polytech. He has held adjunct or visiting teaching positions at University of Illinois and Columbia University and is the author or co-author of over 60 publications; often on planning, risk management, and geotechnical investigations.
Specific examples include the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement project in Seattle Washington, the largest bored tunnel in the world at the time, the metro system in Los Angeles, and the inception of the metro system in Washington DC. His knowledge has been captured and available to students and the practicing community through chapters in the most recognized textbooks in the industry.
Specific examples include the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement project in Seattle Washington, the largest bored tunnel in the world at the time, the metro system in Los Angeles, and the inception of the metro system in Washington DC. His knowledge has been captured and available to students and the practicing community through chapters in the most recognized textbooks in the industry.